Take your non-profit or mission to the next level with tried-and-true resources that are advancing organizations world-wide.
We Get it: When you and your organization have a passion-driven focus on the mission, the “smaller” details of how to get where you’re going are often the hardest — How do I raise the funds? What are my legal duties as a board member? How do I find out if my gifts of time/money are actually producing real impact? How do I motivate a disengaged team? But these are the critical elements that are making and breaking organizations every day.
We at Discover Philanthropy have seen hundreds of non-profits boost their impact by teaching them to master these details, and we’re offering YOU the tried-and-true tools we use every day. We’ve compiled our best books, modules, training videos, plans and work sheets into resource packages that are tailor-made to your unique role in your organization!
The tools you may be missing…
A sneak peek of some resources you’ll find in our packages:
Your Annual Fundraising Plan
Copy and paste best practice fundraising strategies prioritized for each quarter…download it, delete what you don’t want, and make it your own!
Your guide to Giving for Impact
The Book Giving for Impact by Jamie Levy will challenge you to see the power in the gifts of your time, energy, and money, and help you direct them for maximum impact.
Checklists to keep you on track
Assess the health of your organization and zone in on growth opportunities with our checklists designed for leaders and managers.
Video training for your board
The Legal Duties of Board Members is just one of many many training videos we’ve created to better educate and equip you and your organization.

To all who serve with nonprofits or missions: We’re here for you.
Whether you’re the executive director of a homeless shelter, a board member for a summer camp, a private university president, the development manager of a community organization, a missionary raising your own support, or a donor and advocate for a national cancer survivors’ organization, we believe that what you do is worth investing in.
We at Discover Philanthropy have spent decades consulting hundreds of nonprofits in critical times of growth and change. Again and again, we’ve seen good people struggling to succeed, fighting to create true impact but seeing little fruit, and stumped by the intensity of the need compared with the insufficiency of the tools they have to meet the need. We believe this needs to change.
So, what do you do? Select the profile that best fits what you do, and explore the resources we’ve prepared for you!
Are you a... Board Member?
Nonprofit board members & members of mission boards. All who volunteer in a vision & leadership role >>
Do you... Raise Funds?
Development Directors & anyone who asks for money for a nonprofit, staff or volunteer >>
Do you... Give?
Philanthropists, people who want to make a difference, & anyone who likes donating but wonders if their dollars make an impact >>
Do you... Lead People?
Executive Directors, CEOs, Founders, & managers. If you lead people, this is for you >>
Do you...Lead a Church?
COMING SOON. Pastors, elders, deacons, and church leadership staff. If you are responsible for helping a church operate, this is for you
Are you a...Missionary?
COMING SOON. Local and international missionaries and gospel workers who raise their own support